“The rain is falling all around. It falls on field and tree. It rains on the umbrellas here. And on the ships at the sea.” – Robert Louis Stevenson
Calendar Reminders
April 22: Teacher Work Day
May 27: Memorial Day
July 1: Teacher Work Day
July 2-5: Summer Break
News & Events
April 15-26: Garden Donations
April 29-May 3: Gardening Days
May 10: Family Visiting Day
June 1: Annual Potluck & Play
Coming Up!
Spring Time in the Garden
April 15-26
This Spring we will be working on sprucing up the garden and educating the children on gardening and caring for the environment. From April 15-26 we will be accepting donations for the garden improvement. Miss Auburn has a vision for the garden project, a wish list of the tools, equipment and plants we are hoping to receive will be posted on the parent board. Children will be planting in the garden Monday, April 29-Friday, May 3.
Show & Tell
Last Thursday of the Month
Show & tell will now be held on the last Thursday of every month. We would like your children to bring something that found in nature or that is science related. Since we will only be doing this once a month, we hope it will encourage interesting conversations around the selection of the show and tell item and it will be more educational for your children. Please mark the following upcoming show & tell dates on your calendar: Thursday, April 25, Thursday, May 30 & Thursday, June 27
Family Visiting Day
Friday, May 10, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
On Friday, May 10 the school will be open for family visiting day. Your children will be hosting the event and will show families around the garden and their classroom. An RSVP site will be posted on the website on April 29th. Please RSVP for the time you would like to visit and how many people will be in your group. Please direct any questions about visiting day to Mr. Joseph.
Annual Potluck & Performance
Saturday, June 1, 10:30 am
On Saturday June 1 at 10:30 am, the children at Auburn’s House Montessori will be learning all about the “Theater”. They will be preforming a small play, consisting of songs, dance and role playing. We will gather after the show for a community potluck. More info to follow.